Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Material for Dane Cook?

So I’m thinking that Dane Cook can add some new material to his act:

”So I walk up to this guy at Harry Potter, and I’m like, ‘Dude, you gotta let me into this movie.’ And he’s all, 'These people have been waiting all frickin’ night to see this movie, ya dee bag!’ So I’m like, you’d better let me in, or I’m going to hit you in the face with a knuckle sangwich!”

I imagine at this point he can do a little dance, or something visually amusing. (That’s what he does, right? His shtick?)

I saw this news story on the Internet this evening, and it inspired me to write. Apparently Dane Cook tried to cut in line at the the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but the theater staff turned him away. According to the article, he “stormed away.”

This is really not a fantastic story in and of itself, but it’s certainly a heartwarming one. It’s not really the fact that it’s Dane Cook (okay, so that’s a little part of it) – it’s the fact that someone who thinks they’re entitled got told “no.” I don’t really care for this idea that anyone deserves special treatment, regardless of status in entertainment.

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